Queen Elizabeth the First


I have rectified these charts with kinesiology, I believe there is a widespread obfuscation of the astrology of important history, I believe that asteroid astrology and correct birth times and synnastry can tell us the WHOLE STORY ABOUT ANYTHING WE WANT TO KNOW..and important aspects of the Tudor drama..which opened doors for greater personal freedom ( Henry the 8th had #America asteroid conj his IC…meaning his SOUL..was “America”..almost like “America” is sitting on the throne trying to decide if he is going to live his life obeying the Catholic Church.  )  History is unkind to Henry, and I believe that there is a reason for this, if we all focus on how terrible Henry was..we won’t see that his great love for a common woman supplied the horsepower for the greatest turn towards freedom from the tyrannical world dominating Catholic Church.

So..I hope to present every aspect of this groundbreaking story…

I am not going to restrict my study to the fluffy crap that most astrologers shackle their minds with. Astrology is powerful..we can see EVERYTHING….we don’t need to speak in generalities…

As..we move toward the incredible information provided by asteroids in synnastry I will record all my notes about the fundamentals of each aspect of Queen Elizabeth the First.
With an ear open for understanding why  souls incarnate with such difficult astrology, playing with such dangerous power, and accomplishing many many hidden goals of our collective soul.

Queen Elizabeths 8th house natal sun, tells us that a close family member (Ann Boleyn, her mother) would die early in her life, and that she would be separated from her father, but that she would INHERIT a large amount from her father, despite his views of her. Her 8th house sun tells us that, Elizabeth spent a lot of time thinking about the fragility of life, thinking about death, being psychic and clairvoyant, she had the ability to heal through her hands, she had deep and powerful dreams, and she had as we know famously  a very powerful and compelling scorpionic 8th house presence that STILL radiates like a beacon from her portraits. Link to “Sun in 8th house”

Queen Elizabeth the First


Queen Elizabeth’s 8th house SUN..is in Virgo at 24 VIr 04.  She was known as the Virgin Queen and I will later present the location of her asteroid “virginia (50)”.  There are no mistakes in astrology or in our matrix…and so it makes sense that I feel an interest in the role in history and the legacy of this lady, as I also have a Virgo sun at 25 degrees (mine is conj Pluto)..which is vaguely similar to an 8th house Sun. My father also separated from me ( and had gone insane, and is a paranoid small time tyrannt), and my mother didn’t die, but she went to the dark side early in my life so in terms of soul connection it was as though her soul integrity died and I was never able to make a meaningful connection with her true soul.  If you have an 8th house Sun, or a Sun conj Pluto, I bet you have an incarnation kinship with Queen Elizabeth, please leave your comments on your experiences with this solar placement and also your feeling of connection with Elizabeth or with others who have this kind of natal sun, powering your chart and incarnation.

A Virgo sun, sees patterns, matrix patterns, and a Plutonic Virgo sun, sees PROFOUND PATTERNS, can see the webbing of matrix itself. My #Uranian muse asteroid conj my Moon, psychically downloads the language and confirmations of Astrological insights.

Queen Elizabeth’s 8th house SUN is conj her MOTHER (Ann Boleyn)’s asteroid #Varun.
Varun is IMPORTANT in our study because it is conj King Henry the 8th’s ASC.  Varun is the Hindu LORD OF THE VAST SEAS AND SKIES. You can get a sense..if you tap psychically into Henry, that he had a huge sweeping vast sense of HIMSELF, and he had no choice to feel this way because he had the Energy of #Varun on his ASC.  This is WHY , he simply could NOT obey another mortal on earth.  (Really..no one…should accept mortal lords)

Ann Boleyn’s natal #Varun is in her 9th house (meaning that it was like a professor in her “university of life”), and it was conj Henry the 8th’s MARS.  His sexual attraction for her, was connected to HER connection to the vastness of #Varun, she didn’t embody this vastness that way that he did, but she understood it, she was a student of it, and this connection is the main link to Henry’s MARS of sexual desire.

Queen Catherine of Aragon, had #Varun in her 2nd house, meaning she LOVED the sense of vastness that this energy encodes, and so she provided a 2nd house Venus energy to Varun, which is like a pocket of comfort ( a womb) for Henry’s sense of his own #Varun vastness. But she didn’t stoke the fires of his Varun, or contribute to the increasing freedom of it in herself or Henry, and so this is why although other astrology shows Queen Catherine to be Henry’s true cosmic wife (I will write about this in another blog post) she was not equipt to play the part of liberating his #Varun personality directly, however indirectly she played a crucial role in the liberation of society from the Catholic Church. Her personality would not have seen it this way, but as we all come in with unknown missions, I believe that she had a painful mission of being  the blockage in Henry’s lust to FEEL his Varun (conj his ASC)…to feel his freedom and his vastness, His IC is conjunct #America , further underlying what seed is really beginning to grow in this Tudor story.   Queen Catherine’s failed pregnancies, were heartbreaking, but they were necessary to spur the KING to SOLVE THE PROBLEM of how the church was limiting his hopes and dreams.  I hope this perception can ease some of the tragedies in your life, we as personalities cannot see our true mission, and often the pressure of tragedy is actually the axis by which society is able to turn, and heal and evolve.

When Anne Boleyn gave birth to Elizabeth, The sun in the sky was conj Anne’s natal 9th house #Varun. So literally Anne provided the conduit by which Henry’s seed of vastness and self reliance, trusting no one but self, being aware of ones cosmic and quantum sovereignty…is BORN THROUGH ELIZABETH.

Quantum Sovereignty is a HUGE KEY POINT, and I will hit on this point again and again, because as humanity has been turned into mindless drones,  astrology is path back to realizing our birthright as quantum sovereigns!!! This means that you are walking in a dream…and you are allowing your DREAM CHARACTERS TO BOSS YOU AROUND!!!
This is what we ALL need to wake up to…and this is what HENRY the 8th woke up to, and Queen Elizabeth carried forth this same  sovereignty (with more grace as history suggests)…however smashing through a barrier like this requires FORCE ..not grace.

HISTORY does NOT want you to understand the barrier that Henry was smashing through, and this is why he is painted as a notorious loser.  Our judgmental egos are played upon when we are tempted to put Henry into a box and label it…”paranoid freak”.   Henry’s Chart shows incredible force of will, and his mission was to liberate the monarch from the church…I mean if the “Sovereign” is not sovereign than truely we are all livestock living in a dream of fences and naysayers.

We could see Henry as a great soul, who SAW a chance to liberate part of society from the grip of the Catholic Church, who saw that he could strike a blow for freedom of all souls who live empty lives obeying the crappy dream characters bossing them around in their dream life.   He realized there was a ton of karmic fallout from the pressure that he would endure. As a soul he may have realized that he would have to reincarnate for thousands of years to rectify his karma, but he bravely and courageously “took one for the team”  …team humanity…lost in a matrix dream, spending our lives on treadmills created by dream characters…it really is an epic tragedy, and you can see why someone needs to use their power and influence to crack a hole in the docile hypnotism that we all suffer, which causes all of our lives to be fruitless and meaningless..because we are not brave enough tell the dream characters that dominate our lives to go take a flying leap.  Which is what Henry told the Catholic Church…
I am proud of Henry.

Varun – see all the people lost in the waves of the matrix dream?

So…do you see how much we have learned from just one ASTEROID???? Varun!!
The first 2 people to request in the comments for me to pull a chart for them including Varun and Grimm (another quantum sovereignty asteroid) and other asteroids..will receive these charts by email, with a short summary of how you are affected by Varun and Grimm and what YOUR role in life is with respect to YOUR Quantum Sovereignty.

So..lets be on the look out ..in media, movie, story, history and astrology for “the vilification of the quantum sovereign” …which brings us to our next asteroid study for Queen Elizabeth the First; Ixion. 

c0014People are condition by society to see this image as a study of Leonardo DaVinci-esque proportion, when in fact this image is KEY to complete imprisonment of humanity and the punishment of humanity by the Gods, for failing to balance our Quantum Sovereignty (though the gods also failed in this).  This image is encoded in Stonehenge..as the stargate portal of the star RA, but symbolically it means that RA is the awakened “Adam” The Adam that REALIZES that life is a dream! Mundane Astrologers will robotically portray Ixion as “lust for life”..and okay yes that is the movement of the energy, but it is a KEY to the code of our lives either as obedient sheep..or as CREATORS of our life.

Queen Elizabeth’s #Ixion is conj her ASC on her 12th house side  (like Varun is conj KH8’s asc).  Meaning that Queen Elizabeth is on a path of walking the knife’s edge of Quantum Sovereignty and balancing that with respectful treatment of the dream characters of our lives. Just because they are outer characters of our dream doesn’t mean that they aren’t sentient.

Queen Elizabeth’s 12th house Ixion..is like her mother Anne Boleyn’s 12th house Ixion…except more DANGEROUS.  Anne Boleyn died…for expressing her opinions (Ixion)
and she could have “held back”..but Queen Elixabeth cannot hold back her 12th house Ixion because it is on her ASC..her outer personality. So she had to cement her safety carefully before she could speak out on any topic, or make any moves that express her quantum sovereignty. (see the chart above)

In our matrix, the creator made it possible for us to BE the quantum sovereign and only care about our own path, but our dream is populated with sentient dream characters, who are ALSO sovereign in THEIR quantum experience.   Mundane Astrologers limit the view of this asteroid as “karmic recklessness”. The story of Ixion if relayed accurately is grimm ( pun intended),  Ixion’s lust for life is so great, his quantum sense of sovereignty is so overpowering that he because exhiled and punished eternally by the Gods for murder and torture.  There is a ton of existential information here for us with this asteroid.   Ixion is the energy of taking the Vastness and power of Varun to the next step and integrating it SANELY into a life peopled with sentient dream characters. So that we keep in mind that we ARE free, we are quantum, we are sovereign, but we have the power and control to look carefully at how we treat other people in our matrix.
Queen Elizabeth has IXION on her ASC….so do I….

Queen Elizabeth, thought carefully about the terrible tragedies that she witnessed, the mayhem that ensued when King Henry struck a crushing blow to the false authorities in his dream story. Queen Elizabeth also struggle with power, control and the wrong usage of power, trying to balance the paranoia and fear of threats real and imagined, but she had a conscience and she wrestled with it, and she did walk a cleaner karmic path than her father.

I haven’t yet looked to see where Queen Elizabeth’s asteroid #Alice, or #Quaoar are..these other indicators and energy emitters of the “Sovereignty” realization.
For the first two responders requesting this chart, I will also include Alice and Quaoar,
I realize that I need to set an expiration of this offer..so this offer of 2 free charts of these asteroids by email expires one month from today (May 7th 2018)  That way I don’t get a crush of people wanting charts all at once one day when more people are following and reading my blog.

Queen Elizabeth’s Varun 26 lib 32 (libra/liberty) is semisextile her 8th house SUN….this is very similar to having Varun conj the Asc like her father KH8.  But luckily her Varun is in her 9th house..not her 8th or her life might have been so tragic she wouldn’t have prevailed.  QE1’s Varun at 26 lib 32 is conj in synastry her father KH8’s 3rd house cusp…which AGAIN tells us that she is channeling her father’s Mercury, mind, communication with this placement. Her soul mission is entwined with securing the freedom that KH8 won from the Catholic Church. (Of course we do realized that the Church of England was every bit as corrupt and tyrannical as the Catholic Church..but evolution comes in difficult baby steps)

Anne Boleyn was of course the powder keg in Henry’s mission to blow up Catholic control of his realm. Anne Boleyn’s Ixion..is in her 12th house..of self undoing. So any energy that she moved through the Ixion portal was DANGEROUS to her mental and physical health, and she knew to be careful but she also knew that her opinions and her sovereignty was equal to the King’s, she knew that it was her role to introduce books of mental and spiritual freedom to the King no matter how dangerous it may be for her.
The 12th house is the house of influences that are pre-birth..and these influences do return us to death ..or another pre-birth state. The 12th house influences are often not well recieved by others, and although the King did love A.B. mind…her Ixion in her 12th house..grated on his..and everyone else’s nerves. What do you have in your 12th house?

Surrealistic Paintings by Vladimir Kush

If you are drawn to this article, you are ready to crack the egg and hatch out of your dream world that is run by dream characters in your matrix. This is a conversation that your soul wishes to have WITH YOU!!! OUr society dances around this most fundamental existential issue..with movies like Alice in Wonderland, and most hero movies…but movies seem to pain the surface of our reality without deeply informing us that we are trapped in a mindset that keeps us running on a treadmill at the will of MINOR CHARACTERS of our own quantum dream. Wake UP ..Wake the fuck up..Reminds me of the late night advertisements of the70s and 80s…where the salesman tapped on the screen…and said wake up !! WAke UP!!! WAke up and realize that you are being bossed by creatures behind a matrix screen.  You shouldn’t go and kill all of these dream people, but you should balance your respect of them with your own loyalty TO YOURSELF.
If you are reading this..I ask you do deeply integrate this nugget into your own journey of freedom. See if you are also supposed to write and speak on the topic of QUANTUM SOVEREIGNTY. It is the most important issue out there…In this time when so many sheep are dominated by corrupt media, corrupt schools, corrupt religion, and the decline of the cognitive freedom of people, as digital media is designed to INFILTRATE your brain waves..literally! I kid you not!! This is why censorship is more important than ever to the powers that be..because they set up the media empire…to directly influence your BRAINWAVES..this is why people are acting crazy!

This subject is rather vast..I would like to write parts 2 and 3 etc, on Queen Elizabeth’s natal asteroids and the synastry and what it means for pioneers of Sovereignty large and small..our existential journey and the people who threw their lives into expanding human sovereignty.

Before we leave the topic of QE1’s 12th house..we must discuss her natal Jupiter 20 sag06 in her 12th house. Goodness Gracious…it is conjunct the cusp..meaning that this huge planet STRUMS her 12th house like a harp.  Every transit and aspect to Jupiter is HUGE for Elizabeth, dangerous and difficult. She really is an impressive woman to survive all of this.

Jupiter in the 12th house:
from this linked article:

If you have Jupiter in the 12th house, you are likely to develop a strong sense of spirit or guiding divine force. You may be on a religious or spiritual path or inclined towards helping others in need. You may need time to contemplate, pray or meditate. Often those with this placement express that they feel like they have a guardian angel watching over them.

The 12th house is connected to what you sacrifice or give up for the sake of others. When Jupiter is here, you offer to others your gift of understanding, wisdom and benevolence. Yours is a generous spirit. People with this placement may find happiness working with others who have fallen on hard times – prisons, hospitals and similar institutions may need your warmth and kindness. One of your saving graces is that you have an abiding belief that ultimately the world is a good place and the universe wants the best for each of us. You have the ability to help others believe in themselves.

Jupiter shows where you find meaning in the world. In the darkest, most hidden place in the chart, this placement encourages you towards an inner path of discovery. You may have a spiritual goal you want to achieve. Spiritual texts, personal development and exploring any artistic talents will all help to stretch your powerful imagination. Perhaps one of the greatest journeys of this Jupiter is triggered because you want to understand – everything. The key to understanding however is self-discovery; roaming the inner reaches of your mind like an unknown country, delighting in all that you discover there. Understanding yourself helps you to unlock understanding everything else.

If Jupiter isn’t functioning well, the negative traits that can manifest are: – Over-indulgence in self-pity, trying to help everyone which leads to stretching yourself too thin, trying to help those who don’t want to be helped, trusting so much in a higher power you negate your own power, believing that you are always protected and therefore taking foolish risks (for example not wearing your seat-belt because you know the angels will look after you!), blindly following a guru, denying darker emotions or not being able to deal with the darker elements of life, unrealistic expectations based on idealism, indulging in drink or drugs to escape it all.


You might be interested in looking up the asteroids in this article with respect to your natal configuration. The way to do this..is to join Astrodienst   ,click on “my astro”, put in your Birth data, click on your Birthdata, then click on “Extended Charts” and you will come to a page that looks like this:dxkhgg9vqaare5u

Then you scroll down to the chart settings,

control click all the asteroids in the menu…




Like shown in this pictures above:

then ..scrolling down to where you can add numbers of asteroids, you can add one more asteroid to your first chart..I would add Dejanera (157)..so type 157 in the box, and then press “Show chart”. Print this out…and you can create another chart with extra asteroids in it.

Please join me on Twitter



Anne Boleyn Asteroid Astrology pt 1

I believe there is a clumsy effort to obscure astrological data..by introducing calendar conversion confusion..and record falsification…regarding birth days and birth times and ALL birth data needs to be confirmed and reconfirmed using kinesiology, and rectification verification using known events.

Ann Boleyn’s birth time I believe is actually 2 days off…I am not sure that my kinesiology is correct but I am encouraged to see glaring fireworks in synastry between Ann and Henry to encourage me that I am close to the right time…also Anne’s Pluto conj her ascendant is a bombshell disclosure that goes a long way to explain why this woman was so powerful, so  calculating, she would have ENERGETICALLY enthralled the room even if she was not beautiful. She was compelling and this would have caused many people to hate her…as they hate Pluto.  But she was passionate, loving, sexual, loyal, profound, intelligent, and courageous…but this is just the beginning.

I am starting this blog…sort of jumping into the middle of the Henry and Anne study that I have been working on for a few months..but I have to start somewhere. This blog I am hoping will eventually contain a collection of asteroid studies, aimed to allow you…the reader to learn more about your life, your challenges, your opportunities.  I would LOVE to include you the reader in my astrology studies..because I disagree with an astrology study that is anchored only in charts of the famous, or actors. Actors make up a very tiny part of humanity..and also famous people while being fascinating..don’t give us the meat and potato information that we need to understand how asteroid act in our daily lives.
For example on this day…I would BET YOU MONEY…that I have an asteroid…having to do with blog publishing,…transiting something important like my MC , or asc. In fact yesterday was Mercury 25pis51 conj Venus 26 pis17 conj Chiron 27 pis 25; which…is in my 5th house of hobbies, ..weirdly this is a “bald spot” in my chart..even with all the hundreds of asteroids I have charted this is still a bald spot..but it is …opposite my
sun conj Pluto conj Jupiter,conj Uranus…in my 11th house of social media, hopes and dreams. I think that for me writing (Mercury) a blog is healing (Chiron)..and Venus illustrates the LOVE that I have for this kind of research, and the opportunity to share my thoughts and research.


Also…because Asteroid AStrology is incredibly precise…there is probably synastry with Anne’s chart and my chart…or activity of the Asteroid “Anne” in my chart…but these are asides..so I won’t take the time right now to see why this is coming up right now..usually it will present itself as we go along…

Amazing Chart Standouts for Anne Boyeln’s birth and death synastry:

  • On the day Anne died:
    Orcus was transiting conj her Chiron 11Vir06 .  I have read the book “Orchus” and my gematria research into this planet which is an orbital twin to Pluto..means that we should spell Orcus without the H…because in this way..the Gematria of Orcus =30pi 84sim (the right hand of power) and Pluto 20pi 84sim (left hand of Power).  So here we have a person with Pluto on the ASC natally who has Orcus at 11 vir43 conj her natal Chiron 11vir 06.  Orcus travels slowly with tons of retrogrades so when it transits something it tramples it going back forth many times. So it would take a little extra research to see if this was the first touch of Orcus or how many passes she has already underone..before this death day arrives. When Orcus touched her 9th cusp..she probably began to get intuitive downloads (9th house astral professor, the Universe University ) about power, and the danger of power.  Anne’s natal Orcus 12 leo14 is conj her natal Ceres 11 leo 38; which to me speaks of Anne’s banishment from her mother and from being nurtured and protected by a mother. This conjunction in her 8th house of crisis, money, sex, shame, secrets…would have also influenced her own ability to mother Elizabeth. As Elizabeth was taken from her early,  and even if she had the personality for it she was not allowed to be “Ceres”…to Elizabeth.  I will also do an Anne/ Elizabeth synastry post…but in brief this point…(12 leo 14) is in Elizabeth’s 7th house square Elizabeths’s MC (Elizabeth was publicly perceived as raised without “mothering”. This point in HENRY the 8th’s chart…is EXACTLY where he has the asteroid “Excalibur” (a fine sharp sword, representing “the soul mission” on the positive side and arrogance on the negative side) conj asteroid “Anne”; this conj is conj his (KH8) 12th cusp, meaning that this contributes to the downfall of his soul, his self undoing, how he destroys himself.AMAZING RIGHT??? …I bet you want to know where your natal Excalibur is. I will help you find this out if you wish. I would also like to create and make available for download ,asteroid oracle cards..maybe a good picture for this card would be this?
  • f2723280a957889d823c2c1efdd267aadxjlmv3vwaet_ayI also like this one of Lancelot (a different asteroid) approaching the falling TOWER (the breakdown of ego anchored goals and ideas)( I can’t control the bullets…on my list..erf)
  •  In the sky on the day Anne Died:  Saturn conj Mars !!
    So…Excalibur is a sharp implement, and Anne was granted this mercy by her loving husband KH8th, and in the sky we have the Lord of Karma (Saturn) conj Mars (rash, reckless, drive, sharp objects) at 17 leo24 and 17 leo 23 …Saturn conj Mars by Astrology King

from Astrology King’s article;

This initial energy you feel as the transit approaches has a tendency to make you angry, resentful or revengeful. If you channel it early into hard physical work or a creative project then you transmute this energy into positive and productive achievements.

Taking the low road due to ignorance or laziness can lead to frustration and difficult situations. Going with the flow and not taking the initiative will allow frustration to build to a dangerous level. This destructive energy could then manifest as risky actions due to impatience.

On the other hand, this negative energy could manifest through another persons destructive action toward you, such as nastiness or violence.

This is not the right time to go to war as there is danger when taking risks. Stay at home and sharpen your knives, work hard with patience and forethought. Use this determined energy in a constructive or creative way.


So, this conjunction is in LEO…(public, ruled by the sun (husband, king) and it is in Anne’s natal 8th house..not to far away from her natal Saturn at 22 leo47.  I think that if the conjunction was closer to Anne’s Saturn…she may have squeaked by..because while Saturn is stern and limiting..it can also limit catastrophe. This conjunction has a HUGE polarity of possible expression..from a very controlled (Saturn)and well tuned drive (Mars)…to a rash, reckless destruction (Mars) of resistance and Limitation itself (Saturn) with a dash of SEVERITY and Karmic backlash (Saturn).

For Anne..the Karma would have been her falling into temptation…to exert her power to threaten and possibly plan the death of others, including Katherine, Princess Mary, and Thomas Cromwell.  I really believe in the power that we have to CHOOSE THE CROSS ROADS OF OUR LIVES..and if she had FLOWED a better flavor of Mars and SAturn in her life…she would have reaped a better flavor of this conjunction. Although she was innocent of the charges against her (Medusa), she was guilty of hidden charges that only HEAVEN..or the quantum matrix could see.  It was as if her life was a KITCHEN and she put these dangerous spices into her cooking voluntarily…and then she was forced to take a bite on this day..of her own cooking.

  • IN the sky on the day Anne was beheaded:  Asteroid Pholus (a slight movement causes an out of control chain reaction) is conj Asteroid Dejanera (a victim identity that causes the native to behave in ways that causes more tragedy) .  Interesting that Dejanera brought her downfall by obsessing on her husband’s possible infidelity, and this same obsession was the dangerous tipping point for Anne as well.  Asteroid Pholus….acts in many charts like a mini Uranus, it starts small but it is like a runaway avalanche of no return.   Pholus 7 can 11 and Deja 5 can 15.
  • The numbers 7/11 is a divine Femine number meaning Tishrei (Hebrew month of Sept approx) , which is a Hebrew calendar equivalent to a Julien 9/11 (first day of the coptic Calendar). This is equivalent to the gregorian 9/23 or 9/24 which is Autumn equinox, return to YIN..or THE DEATH process return to Unity.  This is also why 7/24 is a huge anchor of the divine feminine in all languages including english; GOD 724 in a side by side pi cipher. Meaning the GOD is UNITY …or YIN…or Death…reunion with the divine.5-15..is a variation a very important number 155.  All variations of this number are FOUNDATIONAL to our language and concepts. For example “Wave” =15pi 51 simple ..meaning quantum wave, 15 means portal , 51 is the unobserved quantum matrix..when you add the observer (kolel rule of 1) you get 52=Earth in simple. This means that the idea of Earth includes the awake (self aware) observer. 155pi =For thine is the Kingdom the power and the Glory 396 sim..and cipher sum is 551 (just incase you didn’t believe me about the importance of this number.)440px-deianera
      • Dejanera….
      • and all of a sudden WordPress won’t let mecontinue to type….
      The blog gremlins think they are so cleverwhen they make it impossible to move the cursor below the photos..but it worked fine here until I started to write about gematria..then all of a suddenthere is interference (SHEESH)

    If you “call out” the interference…sometimes itstops the interference..like it is somekind of a joke that you need to see the riddle before it is solved?


  • On the day that Anne Boyeln died; Uranus 24Can22 was conjunct the Part of Fortune 22Can25 in Anne’s 8th house conj her natal asteroid “Vertex” (soul mate, important relationship). So..she was experiencing a mixed blessing, a “humane” beheading with no torture at the command of her important relationship (Vertex) the King.  Anne also had asteroid “Mary” (2779) at 29 Can 53.  Which to me echoes and underlines the karmic ties that she cast in her mind, as a wish to harm Princess Mary (Mary in the 8th house) and what that kind of dark wish would naturally engender if you wish harm to the beloved daughter or your primary relationship (Vertex)
  • Amazingly it looks like her death could have been at the moment of a partial eclipse. The North node is not far from the Sun which is conj the Moon on this day.
    More research needed here…
    An Eclipse is Reported here Jun 18 1536 …This is a month past May 19…there is no way to know if the calendar conversions are both done correctly…As we know ..Eclipses are active BEFORE THEY HAPPEN..and on this day the Sun was  semisextile (30 deg) from the spot that the Solar Eclipse would happen…so it was a precursor…of endings and beginnings.
    Another Eclipse of 1536 but this one is JANUARY 14th link from the article;
    A total eclipse of the Sun occurred on 14 January, 1536 BC UT Old Style, with maximum eclipse at 20:25 UT. A dramatic total eclipse plunged the Sun into darkness for 2 minutes and 27 seconds at maximum, creating an amazing spectacle for observers in a path up to 115 km wide.

    The total eclipse lasted for 2 minutes and 27 seconds. Maximum eclipse was at 20:25:02 UT.

    Well…If we trust the data…there was no eclipse on May 19th although the Sun and Moon were conj. ..it was a New Moon…at 7 Gem 27 which is conj Anne’s natal Mercury in her 6th house of service, and daily work.  Her thinking and communication skills were imperative for her mission (her “job” or “vocation”) Her Mercury at 5 Gem 40 is semisextile (30 deg) from her natal Mars 7 Tau 03 which is conj her 5th house cusp.

I am a self taught astrologer, and I receive intuitive downloads about the meanings of charts and placements, possibly due to my natal Moon conj Uranian conj my MC…so I am inclined to trust my information which is straight from the Muse of Astrology..via my psychic conduit the moon….what I’ve been taught by “Uranian” herself is that the cusp of a house is about 8 degrees wide…and the planets and asteroids here…are in a state of constantly “strumming” the strings of the whole house..as though it was a Harp.  Also..transiting planets and asteroids are much more influential when they transit the cusp of a house. If you have been spoonfed “astrology” from a “learned” source and have some kind of ego identification with your credentials or certification..just know that I am interested in your knowledge but I believe that information directly downloaded from source is more accurate and finely patterned that information that has been roboticly passed from person to person….

So…Ann’s 5th house..is constantly being strummed with her vivaciousness, her drive, her MARS, her sexual drive, her drive on everytopic, she feuls her whole 5th house of romance with MARS. Because she has Pluto on her ASC…she has the control to find the magic key to the 5th house..which is to withold sexual penetration (Mars) from the King..
Anne’s Mars 7 Tau 03 conj her 5th house cusp, is also falling by synastry in Henry’s 9th house (to him..this romance drive would feel like it was ordained from above ..the 9th house is the downloaded information from the Universe itself-true education from within) , this point is conj Henry’s “Kassandra” 5 tau 50 (ignoring wise counsel, or being ignored) and “Gilgamesh” 9 Tau 31 (the Hero’s wild adventure of never giving up)

FASCINATING that Queen Elizabeth the First..has her MOON (mother)..on this SAME point.  IT was Mars (sex) and the 5th house (fun and romance), that causes ELIZABETH to be conceived!!.. Elizabeth’s Moon is con her IC..her soul, her home, her childhood, her nurturing parent. Noteworthy that King Henry’s radical Algol charged MC is also in Elizabeth’s 4th house by synastry, showing that she did see his public (MC) personae as a loving father…or she saw that the PUBLIC saw him as a nurturing father..
King Henry’s Algol aligned MC…is worthy of a whole post in itself. Algol is the demon star of Medusa’s severed head. Medusa was beheaded on trumped up false charges of encouraging Poseidon to rape her.   The demon nature of this star , has the energy of “wrong accusation”, “losing your head” , “death and dismemberment” but it also had the energy of Medusa before she was killed which was incredible beauty, charisma so great that the Gods felt threatened by her energy signature, I believe she was also GENEROUS, which is an energy quality of this star and also a trigger to its madness. So much to say about this..

  • On the day that Anne died; Asteroid “Juno” (wife, underdogs) was at 9 lib 2 Retro.

This is conjunct Anne’s MC 11lib 50, which is also conj her natal “Nessus” (the bully and being bullied) and Jupiter 8 lib 15.  So..on this day the wife (Juno) is bullied to death with the overkill of Jupiter.  Anne’s natal Jupiter is also opposite her Venus 8 Ari 51.  Henry has Venus conj his MC..and Anne has Venus conj her IC…this would have caused a great attraction between them..sweeping each of them off of their feet. NOT ONLY THAT, but on this day; Jupiter in the sky was conj the MC of the moment (she left her cell in London Tower a few minutes before 8 in the morning), and this is opposite her NATAL Jupiter (benevolant expansion) conj her MC (public image). She was Publicly executed on this day.

Also….on this day…Jupiter 7 Ari 56 conj the MC 7 Ari 10 and conjunct NEPTUNE 6 Ari 41 !!!

from the article linked above:
Tendencies towards excess, idealism, creativity and naivety will be evident. The Jupiter impulse of expansion may encourage you to reach beyond your actual capabilities. The sphere of relationships is likely to be a source of many lessons for you, and to reflect back several of your own tendencies towards those less realistic qualities of Jupiter and Neptune that are present in an unintegrated personality. Yet this ideal of relationships will still persist, often despite many disappointing experiences over the years. It is probably wiser to be more careful in your more personal and intimate relationships, because unless you are aware of what is occurring, your love life could be painful. 

So..not ONLY is Jupiter conj Neptune but it is conj the MC of the moment. Unbelievable..
AND conj Anne’s natal Venus 8 Ari51 in her 3rd house (thinking, communicating) conj the cusp of her 4th, HER PHYSICAL BODY and SOUL, her temple on earth.

Anne’s Venus 8 Ari 51 is aligned in synnastry with King Henry the 8th’s MOON at 10 Ari 44 , which is an echo of HENRY’s mother. I believe that the astrology is telling us that Henry’s mother died under mysterious circumstances, the astrology looks like Henry’s mother was killed wrongly and this was a shameful secret that echoed out into manifestation in Henry’s adult life. I notice that children relive echoes of the karma positive and negative of their parents, the children are given a chance to make a better choice in a similar situation. This goes along with my theory ..that families, incarnate with a web like pattern of astrology that works like a TEAM to solve karmic puzzles and problems of the 7 generations preceding.  This is why I believe that Queen Elizabeth never married, she intuitively knew that abstinence was the best way to heal all of that crappy karma that Henry dumped onto her.

Anne’s Venus 8 Ari 51 is also aligned in synastry with King Henry’s Moon conj the asteroid “HOUSE” 7 Ari 05 , conj KH8’s Asteroid Alice 7 Ari52 and his asteroid “Amor”8 Are 0 Retro.

vintage-alice-in-wonderland-looking-for-the-door-antique-book-drawing-emo-goth-fantasy-gothic-tapestriesLoving Anne, was an adventure akin to “Alice” in Wonderland for Henry, this means that loving her and taking her as his wife was Henry’s journey into taking command of his own life, realizing that he doesn’t want to color inside the lines..that he is realizing that he is the “creator of his dream”…and he isn’t going to “obey” the make believe dream characters that are populating his life dream.  You see ..the asteroid Alice…is about waking up to your own POWER, and realizing that you are the creator of your story. Using night dreaming as a metaphor…once you “wake up” in a night dream..you are lucid…at that point are you really going to get bossed around the pretend POPE that is in your dream? NO!…So Henry’s Venus connection with Anne puts pressure on him…causing him to WAKE UP and realize that he is KING and shouldn’t have to obey anyone.. He is widely criticized for this..but it is a soul evolution no matter how clumsy or chaotic it all turned out…and Anne helped him clarify himself and take a stand.

  • KH8’s moon conj Alice conj Anne’s Venus…is also conj KH8’s natal asteroid “Amor”  
    (1221) This number is the number of LIGHT or LUcifer L=12 and U=21 . Love is the “light” or Lumin of the world.
  • caesar_van_everdingen_-_amor_holding_a_glass_orb_-_wga7567

from the article linked about “Amor” ;

Amor is actually (and here I quote the book): ” . . . a love that’s unconcerned with sexuality or romance; it’s pure, and as such will be heavily colored by the energies with which it connects in both the individual chart and cross-chart.” So, when we’re looking for love, we are indeed looking for Amor,

This gives us insight into why Henry was so deeply triggered by Anne’s Venus placement aligned to his Moon cj “House” cj “Alice” cj” Amor”; with Anne the love went beyond sexuality and romance (which is what made it possible for them to be “chaste” for so long), and also why his sexual interest in her dropped off radically once she was pregnant. She was initially a love beyond romance, for Henry…which made it all the more dangerous for him when he suspected that this love was witchcraft, or that she had betrayed him….

  • The Aspects in the sky the day and moment that Anne was killed, continues to build on the Jupiter cj Neptune cj MC of the moment, cj Anne’s Venus; all of this is semisextile (30deg) to Nessus (the bully and the bullied) at 6 pis54. As you may know Nessus is the Bully in the Dejanera story , and on this day Nessus is transiting conj Anne’s 3rd House cusp 4 pis 51. Showing that thinking about the danger of this bully is overtaking her whole mind, and her communication.

In Anne’s 3rd house we find a shamanic ability to create and believe in her PERCEPTION; the asteroid Quaoar (shamanic perception drives reality), conj “Part of Fortune”.  Anne was able to CREATE reality by DECIDING to believe in what she wanted. This is also driven home by her Pluto conj her ASC.   This lifetime may have been a test of Anne’s ability to walk the tightrope of her MIND and not allow her fears or SINS to knock her off the wire. If she had controlled her intensity and wish to control Henry, if she had controlled her obsession with fearing Katherine and Mary, if she had controlled her urge to threaten Thomas Cromwell, if she had handled the mistress problems better, by not getting so upset that she miscarried…her story would have followed a different path, and she would have been able to keep her SHAMANIC VISION of her story, on the right track.

WE ALL HAVE THIS BALANCING ACT…Our ability to take control of our lives through shamanic perspective, and our various challenges and derailments that we need to navigate..while trying to keep our vision for our life …”on the road” so to speak.

Anne’s North Node is in Capricorn, also telling us that her soul destination is SATURN like control, where she draws up the reins on HERSELF, having strict and severe self control..as if her life was on the line..which it turned out to be. So..she was only 31 when she died and people usually blossom their north node abilities after 30…so she was not yet capable of reining in her obsessions, self indulgences and fears…which is entirely forgivable.

Anne’s story reminds me of the essence of the Beauty and the Beast story. Where a woman’s soul evolution is SO ADVANCED that she chooses to place herself at the mercy of the worst tyrannts, relying on her gifts, sweetness, timing and self control to save her neck.  She will need UNENDING patience, holding her tounge, shedding her insecurities, walking like a warrior…to complete this task.

I notice that Anne of Cleves...has “Cleves” meaning “sword” or knife…in her name. I believe that this word “CLEVES”…was an astrological talisman that SAVED Ann of Cleves from death, because she was the most unwanted and dissaproved of wife that Henry had..and yet she landed in safety, with her head intact.

What if someone had gifted Ann Boleyn a small sword talisman to wear about her neck….I really think that this might have refracted the Excalibur energy into a different manifestation.


Anne Boyeln has her natal moon 21 aqu 14 conj her natal asteroid “Sedna 21 Aqu 18; this means that she would have a constant psychic feeling of “Sedna” (abandonment and abuse by her father and husband). In the Sedna story..


Sedna  90377 is married to dog by her angry father, who after forcing her into this marriage is disgusted with her when he gives birth to puppies, Sedna runs away with a CROW husband to flee her shame, but is mired in a nightmare. In the story Sedna cries and cries and her father comes to rescue her in a rowboat..but they are both attacked by the CROW husband and her father throws Sedna overboard and chops off her hands as she tried to cling to life. She sinks to the bottom of the ocean, where she learns to make the best of her life by accepting her situation, and eventually becoming Queen of the Ocean. Making lemonade with lemons is the silver lining of the asteroid Sedna…which most people never find the upside of this energy.

On the day Anne was killed; Pallas Athena 19 aqu 10 was transiting conj Anne’s Moon cj Sedna.  This transit injects the energy of POLITICS, warrior goddess of wisdom and courage, into Anne’s tragic Moon cj Sedna.  Most astrologer even today, depict Athena as “doing no wrong”…but she is a jealous goddess who seems to inflict her wrath upon mortals and innocents..without WISDOM. In fact…though this asteroid has the full polarity of positive and negative, right and wrong…she is often used as a female prop to male dominance. She supports Zeus and is unforgiving and wrathful to many innocent mortals and females.  So…of course Pallas Athena’s role in the beheading of Medusa is in play in Anne’s chart and Henry’s chart. Athena took her anger out on the wrong person in the Medusa story.


There is so much more to say…I would like to do a deeper asteroid study of Anne’s Birth, life and Death.  You might be interested in looking up the asteroids in this article with respect to your natal configuration. The way to do this..is to join Astrodienst   ,click on “my astro”, put in your Birth data, click on your Birthdata, then click on “Extended Charts” and you will come to a page that looks like this:dxkhgg9vqaare5u

Then you scroll down to the chart settings,

control click all the asteroids in the menu…




Like shown in this pictures above:

then ..scrolling down to where you can add numbers of asteroids, you can add one more asteroid to your first chart..I would add Dejanera (157)..so type 157 in the box, and then press “Show chart”. Print this out…and you can create another chart with extra asteroids in it.

Alice 291 –Nasa link discovered by Johann Palisa

Alice shows where in your chart, you are pressured to WAKE up out of your dream,and to take command of your dream, developing the courage to color outside the lines imposed by your dream characters.
Amor 1221

Amor is the Unconditional, non romantic non sexual love that we bear for life, loved ones, babies, pets, our spouses and family. This asteroid in your chart shows where in your life this energy plays a role and what its influences are and how the energy is manifested in your life.

Excalibur 9499

Excalibur shows us where in our chart we have the energy of “being true to our mission”, but we need to be careful of the “arrogance” that being driven by a mission can cause, also “fine swords” “words that cut” “double edged words and swords” , air energy, the mind, the swords in Tarot. A finely balance tool, a fine mind, the danger of sharp objects and swords.

The first one to leave a comment with a link to their chart with these asteroids, will receive a short interpretation of how these asteroids and planets are illustrating your challenges and blessings in this life.  If YOU have any of these asteroids in conj with a major planet , axis on your chart (Asc, MC, IC, or DC)..or any other compelling placement..I would love to hear your summary of how you feel these energies are manifesting in your life. I would love to add your testimony (Anonymously if you like) to the research available on this asteroid. This offer expires one month from the publication of this article 🙂

Thanks for reading..please leave me a comment! 🙂